Jenta i den gule kjolen
Hun var så fin i den gule kjolen, jenta som stod og så på at vi feltarbeidere i Shenpen delte ut skolesekker og skrivesaker ...
Blogg – Om å ta noen under vingene
Litt om arbeidet vårt for å støtte utsatte kvinner og barn, og samarbeid med Kopila Nepal som jobber for kvinner og barns rettigheter i ...
Visit to Tilokpur nunnery
The new year of field work for Shenpen in India and Nepal got a flying start early in January. I was so lucky to ...
School bag project in India
The fog lies thick in Sonada. Or actually it is not fog, we’re in the middle of the clouds, 2000 meters high in the ...
Blog: Get the children warm – and other stories
November is always a busy month working for Shenpen in Sonada. The winter cold is creeping in, and there are always hostel children and ...
Field blog from Nepal – School things to poor children
When Shenpen Tibet Aid just started up the new school project in Nepal, getting school things to children from the poorest families, we didn’t ...

Deworming day in Sonada
6th of September Tashiling clinic in Sonada, which is sponsored by Shenpen Tibet Aid, had a health talk about deworming. 150 hostel children and ...
Himalaya greetings Christmas 2013
Some of my English speaking friends have been complaining about not getting any updates from my work in India lately. Truly, I have only ...
Marked med mening i Oslo ble overflodshorn for barna i Sonada.
[flagallery gid=9 name=Gallery] Det kom inn kr. 27.800 kroner på Marked med mening i Oslo 1. september 2012, arrangert av Trude Rørtveit til ...